Mobile Surveillance and How the Whole Process Works

mobile surveillance Process

It’s a good feeling knowing that your equipment yard, construction site, or other property is secure when you are away from your property. Ensuring you have the right mobile surveillance process in place is essential and comes with several benefits. It is a different set up than traditional security systems of years past, but you might be pleasantly surprised by the services and options that are now available. 

There is a short process involved when you opt to work with Mobile Video Guard for a mobile surveillance system. This guide will explain how the mobile surveillance process works, from the very beginning all the way to the secure end. The result? Your property can be under surveillance and protected against theft and vandalism in under a week. 

Here are the steps to securing your property.

1. Speak to a Video Surveillance Representative

So, you’ve chosen a mobile security system from Mobile Video Guard. A representative will ask you a few questions about your property. This will help the team’s experts best understand (and plan for) which of the following individual acts you are looking to deter:

  • Theft
  • Trespassing
  • Vandalism
  • Accidents
  • Violence
  • Employee/customer traffic
  • Other

Your needs help our security team determine the optimal video layout of the property to make sure there are no blind spots in the surveillance system they set up for you. 

2. Installing the Video Surveillance System

mobile surveillance Camera process

Our technicians arrive at the site to install the system, including high-tech CCTV cameras that are equipped with high-definition graphics. We have the equipment to accommodate the needs of the property, including whether we need to hook up to a generator or electric power source to power the system. The number of units required for each property varies by the size and nature of the site. 

  • Cameras
  • Power cables
  • Strobe lights
  • Mic/loudspeaker
  • System router/computer

Each component is meant to capture the entirety of the property and provide additional abilities, such as speaking to the site through the loudspeaker and enacting various lighting techniques to notify employees to any trespassers. 

3. Enjoy a Professional Surveillance Team

Most commercial grade thefts and vandalism attacks occur between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. With mobile surveillance, you have access to experienced law enforcement officers who are continuously watching your property and keeping it secure. Local authorities are alerted right away should an incident occur, and are provided with all the necessary information to access the property and quickly understand what is happening. 

What Happens When A Site Is Targeted

Having a mobile surveillance team to watch your property’s live video feed around the clock means there is always an organized method to the response process and how local authorities are alerted. This includes: 

1. Knowing the Signs

Many properties will have employees around during normal business hours, then be left vacant the rest of the day or night. The Mobile Video Guard surveillance team is aware of how many employees should be on your site at any given time and monitors the movement accordingly. We will be watching the surveillance cameras at each angle to ensure your property remains secure. 

2. Alerting Intruders

The truth is that intruders are crafty, and those that want to get onto a property will find a way — no matter how good the surveillance or security measures in place. If one is identified or another disruption occurs: 

  • Our team will use strobe lights to notify employees to find safety. 
  • An announcement will come over the loudspeaker through the mic warning that police have been dispatched. 
  • Some incidents may not be people, but rather disruptions like explosions or fires. Again, a real-time alert will be made that authorities have been contacted.

These notifications are made for two reasons: to prevent further damage or theft and stop anyone from getting injured.

3. Alerting Local Authorities

The local authorities will be notified right away, but response times vary depending on where your property is located and the type of disturbance:

  • Those within city limits will see city police departments receive the first dispatched call. 
  • Those in county areas will see a county office alerted. 
  • The local fire department will also be dispatched if there are signs of smoke or fire. 

Our team consists of former military and law enforcement, so we understand which responders are needed in each situation and ensure the proper authorities arrive on the scene. We will also provide ample detail of the intruder or disruption that occurred. 

4. Alerting You 

Once all the above notifications have been made, our team will reach out to you as the site owner to alert you to the incident. We understand that there may be damage and/or missing items you will need to report right away. It is ideal to have all necessary parties — owner, responders, and surveillance staff — together in the same place. We will use the emergency contact number on file for you, giving you information about what has happened and who has been dispatched to the property. 

5. Maintaining Security

Our mobile surveillance team will continue to monitor the property — including the entire perimeter — both during and after an incident until the police have arrived. We can also store surveillance footage for two to four weeks, should you need to review any activity on the property. 

Learn More About Our Mobile Surveillance Process as a Solution Today

Keeping your equipment, property, and employees safe should be a top security priority for any job site manager or business owner. Having quality surveillance on your property requires mobile management and a team of security professionals who are alert and aware of intrusion signs. 

The team at Mobile Video Guard is ready to keep your property, equipment, and employees safe during and after business hours. If you would like more information about our security solutions, contact us today or give us a call at (844) 722-5486. 

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